Hypnotherapy can help solve a wide range of problems. Whether you’re trying to move past an emotionally traumatic event or want to excel in your career, Peaceful Heart Hypnosis can help you discover a brighter future.
Peaceful Heart offers two types of hypnotherapy sessions: Individual and group. One-on-one sessions provide hypnotherapy tailored to your needs, and are offered in-person or via Skype. Group hypnotherapy sessions focus on overcoming common problems a group may have (like fear of public speaking or stress reduction) or enhancing their performance (improve productivity or close more sales) and are offered at a location of your choosing. To book a session or learn more about them, CONTACT me.
Peaceful Heart offers two types of hypnotherapy sessions: Individual and group. One-on-one sessions provide hypnotherapy tailored to your needs, and are offered in-person or via Skype. Group hypnotherapy sessions focus on overcoming common problems a group may have (like fear of public speaking or stress reduction) or enhancing their performance (improve productivity or close more sales) and are offered at a location of your choosing. To book a session or learn more about them, CONTACT me.
Peaceful Heart offers hypnotherapy in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, and provides training in self-hypnosis and emotional freedom technique.
Peaceful Heart Hypnosis can help you:
Achieve your dreams
Gain peace of mind
Let go of your pain
Conquer your fears
For deep set patterns and emotional blocks, I often use advanced hypnosis techniques such as Age regression, Past Life Regression, Life Between Life Regression and Gestalt therapy. Each session is tailored precisely to your needs.
I encourage you to stop letting these barriers hold you back. Let me show you how hypnotherapy can help you break free and discover the confident, successful person that already exists inside you. Get in touch today - a better life is waiting.